Let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic

Short post tonight beauty cats.

I am knackered, and as much as I want to writewritewrite, I just don’t have any energy to put together something grand.

Alas, thus goes everyone to the world but I, and I am sunburnt.

I do, however, have one thing to say.

I have written in the past about the amount of time I have spent in the United States, and how these trips have been for a myriad of reasons – be it sports, school, pleasure, or what have you.

For instance –

I got engaged in Hawaii.

My older sister lives in New York.

My dad lives in Palm Dessert six months of the year.

Seattle always feels a little bit like my home away from home. (A city from another missy?)

In short, I have never had a bad experience in any of the places I have visited.

So while I have no qualms at all about the outcome of last night’s election, (I am in fact elated) I would also be lying if I said that I didn’t find the political and ideological divide that currently exists in America to be incredibly disconcerting.

Versipellusfenris over at Unnecessary Words wrote a great op-ed today, reflecting on this (growing) disconnect and the future (but also the past) of the Republican Party. I urge you to read it, as it is excellent food for thought.

In this vein, I want to leave you all with this quote from Jack Layton, the late leader of the Federal New Democratic Party (and official leader of the opposition) here in Canada.

I feel as though his words are very fitting for not only Americans, but indeed all those struggling to find common ground in our world today.

So how about it?

Let’s change the world.

All of us.

Published by

Vanessa Woznow

Writer, runner, ranter, reader. I write about all things.

21 thoughts on “Let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic”

  1. This is a great quote. It may even “make” the fridge!

    I love how you are worried about us. It feels a little bit like when your younger cousin frets that you might get caught sneaking out of the house after midnight. No matter how much you shush! and reassure her, she’ll worry anyway (but she won’t turn you in to your Mom!) so, thanks, Cuz!

  2. Love this. It is slightly crazy seeing how passionately at odds my fellow citizens are. I find it quite impossible to get so deeply rooted into such matters (I dislike the two party system, and government in general is laden with corruption and people not really getting things done), but I think it’s very important to be informed and educated about ones beliefs. And when the opposing side wins? It’s time to shut up and get to work. Let’s all work together to fix the country. However, most people down here don’t share my views, and it’s slightly exhausting. If we worked a little more towards compromising and being united and stopped complaining and being so stubborn, great things could happen.

    p.s. Atlanta is a great city that I saw was missing from your list! Ahem. :D

        1. Ha, Obama brought them and our usually jackasstastic governor (the Thomas Huxley to Mitt Romney’s anti-science Charles Darwin) was full of praise for him. Probably didn’t help ol’ Mittens too much when he did that.

    1. I would LOVE to go to Atlanta! (Especially because I now know a groovy lass that calls it home.) Consider it in the cards.

      “If we worked a little more towards compromising and being united and stopped complaining and being so stubborn, great things could happen.” Wise words young grasshopper. Now we just need others to see the light!

      1. Well, thank ya, lady. :) I try to use perspective in everything I do/say/think. It’s an important thing that most people overlook.

        And Atlanta is amazing, but even more amazing because you’d have me and the boy to show you all the good places. Hope it happens one day. :)

  3. I’ve seen that quote about half a dozen times and always wondered who exactly said that wonderful bit. It almost sounds like a Jedi code of conduct.

    Thanks so much for the shout out! I owe you one!

  4. bah, humbug. ZPG 4ever. 2-party shitstem (thanx, petertosh) sux.
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